This question was specifically targeted at those who are not currently playing Civ 6 as their main Civ game. Question 4: If you are currently still playing Civ 5 or another older Civ as your main Civ game, what factors are most keeping you from switching to Civ 6? It may be telling that the most popular answer, by a narrow margin, was 'about equal.' When you correct for other factors like price, that may tell us something about why many haven’t seen a compelling reason to jump ship at this point. If you add up all those that said it was at least as good as older Civs, we can see that around 68 percent don’t view Civ 6 as a step in the wrong direction when all things are considered. Overall, those that said it was somewhat or much better outnumbered those who said it was somewhat or much worse-43.2 percent versus 31.8 percent, respectively. This was the most divisive question, with roughly a quarter of respondents each deeming it somewhat better, about equal, or somewhat worse.
Question 3: How does Civ 6 currently compare in quality to older Civ games?